Monday, September 10, 2012

Little Baby Elle

I know...  Perfect right...  I know there hasn't been much posted on here in quite a while, but I wanted to post about our new baby Elle.  She is perfect as you can see...  Thank you so much Constance for being such an amazing wife and mother, none of us in the family could ever ask for more.  You absolutely kill yourself working around the house and doing things to make us all have a better life.  We are truly blessed to have you, and we are all grateful you have brought us Elle.  It means the world to me especially.

Today I am back in the office (this is Mike) and it has not been fun...  This is officially the longest day I've ever worked.  I wonder how Constance is doing, I wonder how Elle is doing, and I wonder how Gray is handling it.  Was really hard kissing everyone goodbye this morning when Haven and I left.  Anyway, thanks to everyone for the prayers and well wishes.  Thanks to those who have brought us food as that has been a HUGE help.

Thanks most to Constance...

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Through out our pregnancy Mike has taken pictures of me to track my belly growth. Here are some of the pictures and the week they were taken:

11 Weeks 4 Days

13 Weeks 7 Days

15 Weeks 3 Days

 18 Weeks 7 Days

 20 Weeks

 22 Weeks 7 Days

26 Weeks

27 Weeks 6 Days

28 Weeks (Yankees game)

Monday, June 18, 2012

The Big Leagues

Today Haven was asked to play up from her league for an 8U team! She got to  play left field and she hustled really hard and did great!

 At bat she was 1 for 2!! Mike and I were both beaming with pride.

After the game Haven was so excited she was able to play with the "big" girls and said she was ready for another game. She agreed that keeping score and hitting off the pitching machine was a lot more exciting than tee ball!!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Monster Trucks!!

Tonight we went to see the Monster Trucks. We were really excited to see Gray's reaction since he has developed his own interest in things and Monster Trucks being one of them. Here was his reaction... 

Needless to say he was really excited!! Honestly, we all were pretty excited. 

During the free style session all but one of the Monster Trucks flipped over or got a flat. It was by far the best free style we have seen yet. Here is one that actually took out the wall!!

We had a great time and look forward to the next Monster Trucks show!!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Sassy Thang!!

Today Haven got her hair cut! Here is her before and after...
 She loves it as do I. A LOT easier to fix!!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Invasion of the Snails

The Bentonville Square was invaded by giant pink snails...the kids thought this was really cool!!

H.A.V.E.N. that Spells Haven!

We crafted Haven's wooden letters last night. She picked the letters and paper them Mike and I did the rest.